Christoph Rois 2008 • Down South Records DSCD 9260
1 Roll ’em Pete (take 1) 2'03, 2 Christop’s "Benson’s Boogie" 2'51, 3 Meade’s Idea 3'02, 4 Boogie Woogie Dream 2'26, 5 When You And I Where Young, Maggie 2'35, 6 IBoogie Woogie 2'19, 7 I Had To Move That Thing 1'58, 8 Knocking On The Blues 1'56, 9 Cow Cow Blues 2'29, 10 Lady Be. Goode 3'13, 11 Dedicated To Lila Ammons 3'27, 12 The Sheik Of Araby 3'47, 13 Ammons On My Mind 1'54, 14 G-Flat Blues 2'41, 15 Albert’s In The Groove 2'37, 16 Kilroy Boogie 3'07, 17 Tell The "Meade" Story 2'29, 18 Boogie In The Groove 3'35, 19 Take It The Boogie Way 2'24, 20 Meade's Town Boogie (take 1) 2'14, 21 Meade's Town Boogie (take 2) 2'10, 22 The Master Is Here 2'55, 23 Boogie Way 1'30, 24 Bugle Boogie 3'50, 25 Roll ’em Pete (take 2) 4'12
18,00 €
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Christoph Rois • Ricky Nye featuring Bekah Williams
Ann Rabson • Martijn Schok & Greta Holtrop
(Saturday, November 10th 2007, Southgate House, Newport, KY)
Christoph Rois
1 Swingin’ The Boogie 3'03, 2 Newport On My Mind 3'19, 3 Central Avenue Breakdown 3'21, 4 Little Bittie Gal’s Blues 4'12
Ann Rabson
5 Ain’t Nobody’s Business 2'47, 6 You'll Never Get Me Out Of Your Mind 5'26, 7 Haste Makes Waste 3'22, 8 20 Fingers On 88 Keys 3'34
Ricky Nye featuring Bekah Williams
9 Arkansas Blues 4'04, 10 As Long As I'm Moving (with Bekah) 3'31, 11 Baby What You Want Me To Do (with Bekah) 4'18, 12 Ricardo y Martino 3'43
Martijn Schok & Greta Holtrop
13 Texas Stomp 3'24, 14 I Can't Sleep (with Greta) 5'26, 15 Alright Okay You Win (with Greta) 5'00
18,00 €
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Christoph Rois • The Real Boogie Woogie Piano 2004
1 Take off Boogie
3'55, 2 Bass
Goin’ Crazy 2'24, 3 Doing the Chicago Blues 3'33, 4 Bear Cat Crawl 2'45, 5
Feeling like in 12.000 Feet
4'18, 6 In
the Mood to Play the Blues 4'09, 7 Meades’ Style Boogie 2'39, 8
Inspirations on the old Grand Piano
4'21, 9 Ammons’ Heritage 2'29, 10 Left Hand from Lewis 3'05, 11
Boogie Rocks 3'19,
12 Closing Time Blues
3'44, 13 My
Blues Feeling 3'51, 14 My Way to Play the Blues 4'09, 15 Johnsons’ Style Blues 4'09,
Holguin Feeling 3'46,
17 Still alive (After
Flying Cubana Air) 2'58, 18 Mischa 3'10
18,00 €
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Christoph Rois & Mojo Blues Band 1999; # CD 1001
1 You can’t lose what You ain’t never had 4'39, 2 If it ain’t me 3'42, 3 Take off Boogie 3'34, 4 Sunnyland train 7'08, 5 Young fashioned ways 3'49, 6 Tend to Your business 5'03, 7 Long distance call 7'34, 8 Just sittin’ here 5'40, 9 Cold outdoors 5'34, 10 Be prepared 6'56, 11 Highway 57 8'05
18,00 €
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Christoph Rois Boogie Boys 1992; # 150287-2
„It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing …“ Dieses Motto spricht Bände. Christoph holte sich aus dem traditionellen Jazzlager einige herausragende Könner: Franz Luttenberger (Barrelhouse Jazzband, Original Storyville Jazzband), Günter Schwarz (detto), Hartwig Eitler (Stanton Jazzclub Orchestra), Charly Gehmair (Modern Jazz Veterans), Michael „Bibi“ Libowitzky (Red Hot Pods, Boogie Woogie Gang) und nicht zuletzt Helmut Mejda (Joachim Palden Trio) und der Soundborn-Techniker Gerhard Wessely nahm diese Formation am 29. 8. & 29. 9. 1992 im wiener Jazzland auf. Wie ein Treffen zwischen traditionnelem Jazz und Boogie Woogie klingen kann ist auf dieser Scheibe zu hören. Während der Probeaufnahmen des Stanton Jazzclub Orchestra entstand auch spontan „House rent Boogie“.
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”It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing …“ This motto tells it all. Christoph enlisted several outstanding musicians from the Jazz-camp: Franz Luttenberger (Barrelhouse Jazzband, Original Storyville Jazzband), Günter Schwarz (detto), Hartwig Eitler (Stanton Jazzclub Orchestra), Charly Gehmair (Modern Jazz Veterans), Michael “Bibi” Libowitzky (Red Hot Pods, Boogie Woogie Gang) last but not least Helmut Mejda (Joachim Palden Trio). Soundborn technician Gerhard Wessely supervised the recording of this formation on 28th of August and 29th of September at „Jazzland“ in Vienna. The record shows, how a cooperation between traditional Jazz and Boogie Woogie sounds like. During rehershals of the Stanton Jazzclub Orchestra the take „House rent Boogie“ was developed.
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1 Roi's Boogie Boys 5'52, 2 Apex Blues 5'16, 3 The silent Blues 3'34, 4 St. Louis Blues 4'48, 5 The latecomer is here! 5'46, 6 Chef de Vienne 3'04, 7 Lux Boogie 2'44, 8 Savoy Blues 5'12, 9 Monday struggle 6'22, 10 In a little spanish town 5'18, 11 Central avenue breakdown 4'57, 12 Meeting with Ammons and Bach 4'16, 13 Jazzland feeling 6'48, 14 House rent Boogie 4'30
18,00 €
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Six Hands Chaser 1991; # 199180-2
Vor zirka fünfzig Jahren entstanden einige der aufregendsten Boogie-Woogie-Aufnahmen aller Zeiten. Albert Ammons, Meade „Lux“ Lewis und Pete Johnson, jeder für sich bereits ein hervorragender Solopianist, faszinierten durch ihre vier- und sechshändigen Boogies und Blues ihr begeistertes Publikum. Unsere Liebe zu Klassikern des Boogie führte folgerichtig zu der Idee, vier- und sechshändige Piano-Aufnahmen einzuspielen, also kamen Marc Galperin und Joachim Schumacher nach Wien und das Ergebnis ist auf dieser CD zu hören. Unser Titel „Six Hands Chaser“ bezieht sich auf den legendären Meade-„Lux“-Lewis-Titel „Six Wheel Chaser“ der den stampfenden Klang einer fahrenden Dampflok nachahmt. Für uns bedeutet der „Six Hands Chaser“, kurz zusammengefaßt, Ausdruck von Spielfreude und musikalischer Ergänzung.
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An especially well done cooperation between
Rois and Marc Galperin and Joachim Schumacher, both from Germany. The dynamic of the recording is literally pulling the nails out of the boards. Those who can
keep cool amidst this Boogie Woogie tornado can not be helped. This recording is the result of a tour through Germany by three young Boogie-pianists. Marc and Joachim came to Vienna, rushed to
the recording-studio and within only a few takes the achieved something almost incredible: They brought back the essence of Boogie-Wookie to new live …
One can easily see the satisfaction with the result from the artist’s faces (see cover-photo).
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1 Six hands chaser (C+M+J) 2'21, 2 Off hour Stomp (C+M) 3'20, 3 This one's for You (C+J) 3'48, 4 747 jetstream Boogie Woogie (M+J) 3'58, 5 Greenwich groove (C+M) 2'37, 6 City lights Blues (J) 4'26, 7 Boogie Woogie connection (C+M+J) 2'19, 8 Blues for ACC (M) 3'01, 9 Sunny day Blues (C+J) 2'53, 10 Fallin' through the clouds (C) 3'34, 11 Black limousine Stomp (M+J) 3'27, 12 See You again(C+M+J) 3'47, 13 Two baby grands in the street (C+M) 3'32, 14 Blue eyes Blues (J) 3'02, 15 6th street jump (C+M) 2'34
18,00 €
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Christoph Rois • Pink Boogie 1991; # 150212-2
Erste CD. Auf diesen Aufnahmen spielt
Christoph eine ausgewogene Mixtur aus Eigenkompositionen und den Stücken seiner Vorbilder. Die ganze Atmosphäre der Aufnahmen ist wie elektrisiert durch Eniflüsse seiner zweiten Leidenschaft –
dem Fliegen. Und vom fliegen erzählen auch einige seiner Eigenkompositionen (z. B. Pink Boogie, Feeling like in 12000 feet, Fly high Blues und Freefall Express).
Die Coveraufnahme mit „Pink Boogie“-Flugzeug entstand
auf dem Flugfeld in Trieben/Steiermark.
Das Fugzeug startete immer wieder mit einer Ladung Fallschirmspringer und Christoph fror Spielend am Boden. Mehrere Starts und Landungen vergingen bis das Bild im Kasten war, eine echt
anstrengende Erfahrung …
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First CD. On these recordings Christoph
plays a well balanced mixture from self-compositions and the pieces of his models. The whole Atmosphere of the recording is electrified by his second passion – Flying. And of flying tell also
some his self-compositions (for example Pink Boogie, Feeling like in 12000, Fly high Blues and Freefall express).
The Coverphoto with the “Pink Boogie”-airplane was taken on an airfield in Trieben/province of Styria.
The airplane took off with skydivers on board and landed again, while Christoph played – shivering in the cold.It took several attempts until the perfect picture was taken. A really demanding
experience for Christoph …
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1 Pink Boogie 3'11, 2 Salute to Ammons 3'48, 3 Left hand from Lewis 3'50, 4 Waiting for a letter Blues 4'19, 5 Feeling like in 12000 feet 3'39, 6 Albert on my mind 5'06, 7 Swingin' the Boogie 3'09 (Pete Johnson), 8 Boogie Woogie Blues 4'11 (Albert Ammons), 9 Sweet patootie Blues 5'19 (Albert Ammons), 10 Six wheel chaser 3'01 (Meade „Lux“ Lewis), 11 Red sails in the sunset 3'05 (Kennedy [nach Ammons]), 12 Blues for Bach 2'51, 13 Fly high Blues 3'49, 14 Stomp it in G 4'05, 15 Freefall Express 3'00
18,00 €
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Boogie Woogie auf zwei Flügeln | Boogie Woogie on two Pianos
Christoph Rois • Marc Galperin • Joachim Schumacher
1 Six Hands Chaser
(C+M+J) 2'21, 2 Off Hour Stomp (C+M) 3'20, 3 This one’s for You (C+J) 3'48, 4
747 Jetstream Boogie Woogie (M+J)
3'58, 5 Greenwich Groove (C+M) 2'37, 6 City Lights
Blues (J) 4'26
1 Boogir Woogie
Connection (C+M+J) 2'19, 2 Blues for ACC (M) 3'01, 3
Sunny Day Blues (C+J)
2'53, 4 Fallin’ through the Clouds (C) 3'34, 5 Black Limousine Stomp 3'27, 6 See You again (C+M+J) 3'47
18,00 €
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Boogie Woogie Brunch 1991; # 150236-1
Christoph Rois: Piano
Franz Luttenberger: Trompete | Trumpet
Charly Gehmair: Saxophon/Klarinette | Saxophone/clarinet
Richard „Olli“ Lewetz:
Wolfgang Hiebl: Schlagzeug | Drums
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1 Homeward bound
3'27, 2 Boogie Woogie brunch 3'13, 3 Uptown Blues 3'18, 4
My good old parachute
4'33, 5 Blues
for Albert Ammons 4'45
Seite 2
1 Light and dark 5'06, 2
Sick mother Blues 4'13,
3 Trumpet-piano talk
6'07, 4 Brush’s tune 4'16, 5 It’s never too late 4'53
18,00 €
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